May 22, 2010

Update #1

Well I write this at 2 o'clock in the morning with a kitten on my lap because my darling husband is currently at drill for the entire weekend. Anyways I thought I would do a little mini update on some of the big news that's in the making.
First of all (make sure you're sitting down before reading this)...we're gonna be PARENTS! Haha. Kidding! Kinda. We adopted little kittens! They're not really *little* anymore, but they still seem little to me, not to mention I refuse to accept that they will ever grow up. Cute little fun fact...their estimated birthday from the humane society is mine and Eric's anniversary (of dating that is). Anyways their names are Lily and Gizmo and they've basically taken over our home lives.
Eric's still working at Avery Dennison doing security, and I'm at AT&T in downtown Cleveland. We finally work similar shifts so we actually get to see each other for more than an hour each day.
Now for our real update. Eric and I have been talking a lot about where we're going to go from here. I know I'm going back to school, but he's decided that he wants to go active military. His first choice was Air Force, second was Navy. The Air Force rejected one of his tattoos, so it's looking like the Navy for us! We're hoping that he'll get his 368 form (conditional release) signed this weekend so that we can really get the ball rolling on this whole thing. In that case he will be swearing in with the Navy within 10 days, and then we'll just be waiting to find out when he goes to tech school. He won't have to redo boot camp, just around 8 weeks of specialized schooling for his MOS.
I know he's excited and while I'm nervous for taking this big of a step, I'm starting to get excited too (not to mention how I just about burst with pride every time he talks about going). We can get away and experience things together, while I finish school and he makes his final determinations as to what he wants to do for the rest of his life. I guess only time will tell! This is a huge step and we've made a lot of big decisions lately in a short time, but we're absolutely ready for it.
Now. I'm going to bed...but I'll be sure to keep everyone updated as often as I can. Night!


  1. Well I am very proud of the two of you and I of course wish you the BEST!! This journey will be what you make it, you have to enjoy the good, endure the bad, and ALWAYS remember...not matter what...communication, trust, honesty, and love are the foundations that marriage is based on. I love you both with all my heart!! Tell my grandbabies i love

  2. Dear Katharine,
    I'm so happy for you - you seem very much in love and happy in your new life. I totally agree with everything your mom said - I couldn't say it better myself. And congrats on the new "babies!" I'm sure they're adorable. I remember even as a small child cats were always your favorite animals.... ( :
    Lots of love,
    Aunt Dee Dee

  3. Thanks Momma we love you too!!! And the kittens love you as well lol.

    Aunt DeeDee I agree with her too (it's Eric's mom in Arizona). But thanks! They still are :) Hope to see you soon!!!
