Feb 25, 2011

Update #5

Time seems to go so slow every day...and then I check the blog and realize it's been weeks since I last posted something. Not too much has happened since last month...at least not things that I'm in the mood to talk about.

On a good note however, Eric and I are thinking about moving this fall when our lease is up. We've been through so much this past year, and if we can both find jobs down in Florida, we'll be moving sometime around September/October. Nothing is set in stone, it's just something we're looking into. We've dealt with too many crappy people up here, and we're getting sick of all the drama and immaturity. Sometimes you need to start fresh, and after the past few months...I think it's definitely time for that. We need a break. We figured we could take the two years until his contract is up and have some fun...then settle back down into "real life."

Other than all that our life is pretty simple right now. We both go to work, come home, and go on about daily life. As I type this (at 5 am) he's walking around getting himself ready for drill and I can't help but notice how freakin cute he looks in that uniform. Unfortunately once he leaves I've got to get myself ready for the long day ahead...so I'm going to get the coffee pot started. It's gonna be working overtime today.