Jun 28, 2010

Update #2

Ok well I figured it's been over a month since the last update, so although not much at all has changed...I'd attempt to give some more information. We are still waiting on the guard to sign Eric's conditional release form, and until then there's not much of anything we can do. It's hard to plan anything when you don't know where you're going to be in 6 months. Heck...even in 4 months. Hopefully we'll hear something soon! Besides that the kittens are getting bigger! I still don't like it...they're my babies.

Things have been pretty crazy, but there's not much else going on other than work and house stuff. Eric's 2 week training is coming up, and Karmen and I are heading to Key West while he's gone. Eric and I are trying to plan some trips to see family in the next few months. Texas and Nevada are on the list!

That's pretty much it for now :)